Chocolate Coffee

Chocolate Coffee

Chocolate coffee is the best drink that can be used in monsoon evenings. Chocolate is made from roasted cacao seeds and have many healthy benefits to the human body. Chocolate coffee used as energy booster. Chocolate coffee increases the fiber intake because Chocolate is the best source of antioxidants and also contains healthy amount of soluble fiber. Chocolate coffee helps to maintain blood pressure

Ingredients of chocolate coffee:

  • 300-gram Chocolate
  • 2 cup milk
  • 2 tea spoon coffee powder
  • 5 tea spoon sugar
  • 3 ice cubes
  • 1 cup whipped cream
  • 1 tea spoon chocolate chips

How to make Chocolate Coffee:

  •    Break the chocolate into small pieces and put them into a bowl. Put the bowl into microwave until chocolate melts into liquid.

  • Add one cup milk, coffee powder and sugar into the bowl and mix well. Put this mixture in the blender and blend well.

  • Add remaining milk and some ice cubes and blend again.

  • Pour the mixture into cups add some whipped cream and chocolate chips on the top and then enjoy the chocolate coffee

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