Coffee and Blood Pressure

Coffee is the most commonly used drink in the world. People across the world use 8.7 billion kg coffee per year. Coffee has different good and bad effects on human body. Coffee has a natural stimulant caffeine in it. Caffeine can prevent us from different heart diseases. The blood pressure is the most common problem now a days. People who take coffee regularly have usually high blood pressure as compare to those who are not regular drinker of coffee.

According to research the people who take 7 – 8 cups of coffee in a day increase the chances of high blood pressure. Frequent and regular use of coffee effects on adrenal glands due to which adrenal gland increase more adrenaline which cause increase in blood pressure. To check the effects of coffee on blood pressure check your blood pressure before taking the coffee and checks the blood pressure after some 1 to 2 hours if blood pressure increased by 7 to 10 points you are suffered from blood pressure raising effects of coffee. 

If you want to control the effects of caffeine on high blood pressure then you must have to limit the amount of coffee you take in a day.Limits the amount of caffeine less than 200 milligrams this amount is found in 1.5 or 2 cups of coffee so you must have to limit your coffee routine up to maximum 2 cups in a day.

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