Coffee Production

Coffee Production

Coffee is the most common used drink in the all continents. Coffee beans are used to make the coffee. As there are millions of coffee lover so the production level of coffee beans should be increased. There are many countries that are producing quality coffee beans to meet the needs of their countries and world.

By 1988, 1 525 ha of Arabica coffee were already planted and a further 380 ha were approved. In principle, the former Cabinet also approved possible further expansions of up to 5 400 ha. During 1987, South Africa produced 1 800 t of green coffee and production of more than 6 600 ton by the year 2000 was projected. Altogether by 1990 a total of around 700 ha were planted.

 Presently, 200 ha of coffee are under production in South Africa, mostly in the KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga provinces. An average yield did not exceed 1,2 t/ha, therefore the maximum South African production during the last decade was approximately 120 t (2 000 bags of 60 kg). In the year 2011, the production of (dried chicory root) coffee was 28 300 t. 

International production
In 2012, the top ten coffee producing countries are as indicated in the table

Country                              Production (million bags)

Brazil                                        225
Indonesia                                 67
Vietnam                                    58
Mexico                                      5
Ethiopia                                    38
India                                          38
Guatemala                               35
South Africa                             33
Uganda                                      3

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